The Bear of Wall St
Morgan Stanley Asia chairman Stephen Roach talks to Vikram Khanna about the global financial crisis and where it's headed. FOR several years now, Stephen Roach, Morgan Stanley's chairman for Asia, has been flashing the orange light on the state of the US economy. In press articles, research reports, speeches and interviews, he's been hammering home his gloomy message: the US consumer is overstretched, the stock and property markets are in bubble territory, the US current account deficit is out of control and this party can't keep going on. The party did, however, go on far longer than he predicted. As stocks and property values kept rising, Mr Roach, a former economist at the US Federal Reserve, earned himself a reputation as 'the perennial bear'. Market optimists would murmur 'there he goes again' everytime he spoke. But then, around August last year, the bubble burst, the markets went into a tailspin, culminating in a financial meltdown and a near coll...