The 20 Golden Rules of Investment
Investing your own money is a complicated and potentially dangerous business. One slip in the tricky world of stocks and shares can prove very costly. So Times Money offers a guide on how to survive and profit in the investment jungle. 1) Buy low; sell high. 2) Don’t chase performance. If you like a stock or fund, buy on the dips. 3) Run your winners. In other words let your profts roll up and don't be in too much of a hurry to kiss goodbye to your best-performing investments. 4) Cut your losses before they become excessive. 5) Never get too attached to a share or a fund. As the late Sir John Harvey Jones once said: “You sometimes have to kill your favourite children.” 6) In general, think long-term. As Warren Buffett, the great US investor once said: “Never buy a stock unless you would be happy with it if the stock exchange closed down for the next 10 years.” 7) But don’t let that stop you reviewing your portfolio regularly. You need to check that your portfolio is properly balanc...